



Kyäni Sunset was designed to contain only lipid-soluble elements, maximizing the bio-availability of these nutrients for absorption. Sunset is a proprietary combination of tocotrienols (the most potent form of vitamin E), Omega-3s derived from Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon (the purest source in the world), Beta Carotene (a natural source of Vitamin A), and the essential Vitamin D. The health benefits of tocotrienols, Omega-3, Beta Carotene, and Vitamin D are well documented by medical professionals and researchers. Kyäni Sunset offers unparalleled nutritional support to the body’s vital systems including cell health and support for the cardiovascular and immune systems. Comprised of only lipid-soluble nutrients, Sunset is intended for evening use when the body’s lipid activities are at their peak. Sunset gives the body what it needs when it needs it. Because of this, Kyäni Sunset is the perfect nutritional complement to water-soluble nutrients offered by Kyäni Sunrise™.



  • Important for Normal Health Immune Function
  • Help Build and Maintain Strong Muscles
  • Supports Normal Vision
  • Maintains Healthy Skin
  • Assists in Maintaining Normal Cardiac Function
  • Contributes to Normal Cognitive Function
  • Protects the Body’s Cells from Oxidative Damage
  • Most Potent Vitamin E
  • Promotes Healthy Mucous Membranes

“Kyäni Sunset™ contains Annatto Tocotrienols and Omega-3s. Together they provide protection to the 30,000 miles of arteries through our entire body.” -Dr. Tan, PhD



Recently discovered tocotrienol Vitamin E has exhibited substantial benefits to the cardiovascular system including helping to maintain healthy blood pressure and a reduction in blood cholesterol levels by up to 35 percent. Studies have shown a decrease in arterial blockage, reducing risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Tocotrienols have also proven to be very effective supporters of cell health including protection from oxidation.

In the past, the majority of scientific research focused on the less-effective form of Vitamin E called alpha-tocopherols, while as little as one percent focused on the potent tocotrienol Vitamin E. However a significant shift has taken place over the last few years as a much larger portion of peer-reviewed research articles have been centered on tocotrienols. It’s becoming more clear that, at the molecular level, tocotrienols are a much more potent and effective source of Vitamin E.

Click here to see what Whole Foods Magazine is saying about tocotrienols.


Most supplements use a synthetic Alpha-Tocopheral Vitamin E. However, several studies have shown that Tocopherols, particularly Alpha-Tocopherols, interfere with the health benefits of Tocotrienols. In one study, six groups of chickens were given varying levels of Tocopherols in addition to Tocotrienols. The chickens that were given little or no Tocopherols had the greatest reduction of lipids. The chickens given higher levels of Tocopherols actually increased cholesterol production. Additional studies have shown that Tocopherols interfere with cholesterol levels, absorption, and anti-carcinogenic properties.

Tocopherols have also been said to…

Block absorption
Compromise cholesterol reduction
Attenuate cancer inhibition
Induce tocotrienol breakdown/catabolism
Increase cholesterol in high doses

The annatto bush, an oily plant that grows in South America, is the only natural compound in the world that offers pure Tocotrienols without the accompanying Tocopherols. Furthermore, annatto Tocotrienol has the highest Tocotrienol concentrations with 150 – 300 times fewer Tocopherols than rice and palm sources. Only Kyäni Sunset™ contains annatto Tocotrienols, offering the most health benefits.


Omega-3s are an essential fatty acid required for optimal health. This healthy molecule is found in every cell of the body, particularly in the brain and heart. Because the body doesn’t produce these oils on its own, they must be obtained through dietary consumption.

Delivered from Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon and other wild fish, Kyäni Sunset™ contains extremely high levels of both EFA and DHA forms of Omega-3s. Studies show that Omega-3s have profound anti-inflammatory qualities, improving vascularization throughout the body and supporting artery and heart health.


Beta-carotene is an organic compound found abundantly in plants and vegetables. A member of the carotenoids, it can be metabolized into Vitamin A, yielding many compelling health benefits. These include heart health, cell protection, and heightened immunity. This essential nutrient is also beneficial in sustaining optical health and brain function.

Beta-carotene is lipid-soluble and acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from oxidation damage. With the addition of this powerful compound in Sunset, you’ll be giving your body more of what it needs.


Vitamin D is one of several vitamins required for normal growth and development. This essential nutrient contributes to the absorption of calcium, which is an important process for bone development and strength. Vitamin D promotes cellular growth, boosts the immune system, and helps to reduce inflammation. Studies have also shown that Vitamin D assists in regulating blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health. One unique aspect of Vitamin D is that it can be created by our bodies with the aid of sun exposure. However, studies show an alarming rate of Vitamin D deficiency in the USA. Since most people are not producing enough on their own, Vitamin D supplementation can provide the support and protection the body needs from this essential nutrient.

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